001 | Chang, C. Y. (2024, December). A New DECODE Model for Teacher Professional Development. Keynote speech: International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences, Vietnam. (December 14-15, 2024) |
002 | Chang, C. Y. (2024, November). Transformative Education: Bridging the Gap Towards Society 5.0 Through Innovative Learning. Keynote speech: The Samudra International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (SICOMSE). (November 12, 2024) |
003 | Chang, C. Y. (2024, November). Transformative Education: Bridging the Gap Towards Society 5.0 Through Innovative Learning. Virtual Keynote Speech: The Samudra International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (SICOMSE) (November 12, 2024) |
004 | Chang, C. Y. (2024, October). 科學教育學科建設與人才隊伍培養. Keynote speech: 系列學術講座, 重慶. (October 13-21, 2024) |
005 |
Chang, C. Y. (2024, September). Strengthening Science and Technology by Integrating Digital and Local Wisdom in Education. Keynote speech: The 4th International Conference on Physics Issues. (September 7, 2024) |
006 |
Chang, C. Y. (2024, August). The Future of Scientific Inquiry: Cutting-Edge Assessments Merging AI and Genomics. Keynote speech: 7th International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2024 (ICKII 2024), Japan. (August 16-18, 2024) |
007 |
Chang, C. Y. (2024, July). Promoting Relevant Education in Science for Sustainability. Keynote speech: 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE) 2024, Indonesia. (July 5-6, 2024) |
008 |
Chang, C. Y. (2024, April). Sustainability in the World of Education: Steps Towards a Green Future. Keynote Speech: International Conference on Educational Governance, Policy, and Leadership (ICEGPL) 2024, Indonesia. (April 24, 2024) |
009 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, December). Secrets of Learning and Memory: An AI Enhanced Innovative Inquiry Approach. Keynote Speech: 3rd International Conference on Innovation in Learning Instruction and Teacher Education (ILITE 3), Hanoi, Vietnam. (December 9-10, 2023) |
010 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, November). Deepening Student’s Online Learning through Interactive CloudClassRoom. Keynote Speech: eLearning Forum Asia 2023 (eLFA2023), Singapore. (November 30- December 1, 2023) |
011 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, November). Bilingual STEM Education for Global Competitiveness in New Asia. Virtual Keynote Speech: 2nd International Conference on Mathematics Education: Mathematics Learning and Instruction in the Digital Era, Hanoi, Vietnam. (November 24-25, 2023) |
012 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, November). An interdisciplinary study on science inquiry ability. Invited Seminar: 2023 HU-SNU-NTNU-KU Joint Symposium for Science Education: Science Education for Sustainable Development in an Aging Society with Low Birthrate, Hokkaido University, Japan. (November 16-19, 2023) |
013 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, November). 教師專業發展. Invited Speech: 2023 數位學習論壇─數位學習共融與合作:建立大學與高中職的共好, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 6, 2023) |
014 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, October). 新世代科學探究能力之交叉學科研究.Keynote Speech: 2023年華人科學教育高端論壇, Chongqing Normal University, Chongqing, China. (October 25-28, 2023) |
015 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, October). Introducing CloudClassRoom - Transforming Bring-Your-Own-Device policies for more effective student learning. Virtual Keynote Speech: International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2023, Central Java, Indonesia. (October 14, 2023) |
016 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, September). 科學育傳:一個有趣的冒險. Keynote Speech: 2023全國科普論壇:科普下一步:邁入21世紀中期非制式科學教育機構的使命與開創, Taichung, Taiwan. (September 22-23, 2023) |
017 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, August). Innovation of Learning, Media & Technology to Build a Sustainable Global Community. Invited Speech: The 4th International Conference on Education, Leadership, and Innovation (ICELI) 2023, Indonesia. (August 26, 2023) |
018 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, August). Solving the Grand Challenges through Interdisciplinary Contextualization. Keynote Speech: 7th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICoMSE 2023), Malang, Indonesia. (August 14-15, 2023) |
019 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, June). STEM Education and Pedagogy (STEP) in University Training Programs. Keynote Speech: Hue University - University of Education, Hue, Vietnam (June 22, 2023) |
020 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, June). Bilingual STEM Education for Global Competitiveness in New Asia. Keynote Speech: The University of Da Nang - University of Science and Education, Da Nang, Vietnam (June 21, 2023) |
021 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, June). Bilingual STEM Education for Global Competitiveness in New Asia. Keynote Speech: The 7th APSCE International Conference on CTE-STEM, Zhongli, Taiwan. (June 7-9, 2023) |
022 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, March). Online Science Inquiry Learning and Assessment: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly, and The Future. Virtual Invited Speech: 次世代型オープンエデュケーション推進部門の取り組み, Kyushu University, Japan. (March 31, 2023) |
023 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, March). Developing pre-service teachers’ TPACK through the DECODE model. Invited Speech:
2023 SERC International Symposium (Teaching Strategies and Science Teacher Education in a New Era), Seoul, Korea.(March 23, 2023) |
024 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, January). Online Teacher Professional Development for STEM Education using DECODE Model. Keynote Speech: Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) , Bandung, Indonesia. (January 30, 2023) |
025 |
Chang, C. Y. (2023, January). 應對Covid-19挑戰的在線TPACK模型. Keynote Speech: 以社會性科學議題學習促學生核心素養發展. Beijing, China (January 7, 2023) |
026 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, November). STEM Education for Global Competitiveness. Keynote Speech: General Lecture in Indonesia University of Education, Bandung, Indonesia. (November 29, 2022) |
027 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, November). DECODE A New TPACK Model for Teacher Professional Development. Keynote Speech: International Seminar of Teacher Professional Education Study Program, Bandung, Indonesia. (November 28, 2022) |
028 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, November). 透過交叉學科研究解決學習科學的重大問題. Virtual Invited Seminar: 重慶師範大學第26屆研究生學術活動月專家報告活動, Chongqing, China. (November 12, 2022) |
029 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, October). How does open educational technology improve educational quality and equity? CCR as an example. Invited Speech: International Conference on Revisiting Educational Equality and Quality: Dialogue between Theory and Practice, Taipei, Taiwan. (October 22, 2022) |
030 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, October). Developing Pre-Service Teacher’s TPACK through the DECODE model. Virtual Invited Seminar: Faculty of Physics, Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam. (October 22, 2022) |
031 |
Chang, C. Y. (2022, October). Solving the Grand Challenges through Interdisciplinary Contextualization. Keynote Speech: 8th International Workshop on Advanced Learning Sciences (IWALS), Taipei, Taiwan. (October 14, 2022) |
032 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, September). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoTS) for Tackling the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemics. Virtual Keynote Seminar: Science Education Program Seminar, Kasetsart University, Thailand. (September 3, 2022) |
033 | Chang, C. Y. & P. H. Cheng. (2022, August). Overview of Disaster Prevention Education in Taiwan. Invited Speech: IX GeoSciEd 2022 – the 9th International Conference on Geoscience Education, Shimane, Japan. (August 21-24, 2022) |
034 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, August). 培養全球競爭力的STEM教育. Virtual Opening Keynote: 海峽兩岸計算思維教育主題學術論壇暨學生夏令營, Beijing, China. (August 8, 2022) |
035 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, August). STEM Education for Global Competitiveness. Virtual Keynote Speech: 5th International Annual Meeting theme on STEM education (IAMSTEM 2022), Malang, Indonesia. (August 5-6, 2022) |
036 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, July). Increasing the Synergy through International Research Collaboration. Virtual Keynote Speech: 5th IEEE International Conference on Knowledge Innovation and Invention 2022, Hualien, Taiwan. (July 22-24, 2022) |
037 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, July). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoTS) for Tackling the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemics. Virtual Keynote Speech: 2nd IEEE International Conference on Electronic Communications, Internet of Things and Big Data Conference 2022, Hsinchu, Taiwan. (July 15-17, 2022) |
038 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, July). How to Write a Scientific Paper. Virtual Invited Speech: IAMSTEM 2022: International Short Course on Scientific Writing and Publication, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia. (July 2, 2022) |
039 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, June). Transforming Bring-Your-Own-Device policies for more effective student learning. Invited Speech: London EdTech Week Workshop, London, United Kingdom. (June 20, 2022) |
040 | Chang, C. Y. (2022, April). The Sandwich Model: A Recipe for Encouraging and Supporting Doctoral Students to Publish Their Research Work. Virtual Keynote Speech: V Virtual Seminar Cycle of IBERO-American Researchers, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia (UPTC), Colombia. (April 20, 2022) |
041 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, December). Quality Online Learning during and post CCOVID. Invited Panelist: e-Learning International Conference & Open Education Forum (ELOE 2021), Taichung, Taiwan. (December 20-21, 2021) |
042 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, December). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoTS) for Tackling the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemics. Virtual Keynote Speech: 2nd International Conference on Innovation in Learning Instruction and Teacher Education (ILITE 2), Hanoi, Vietnam. (December 11-12, 2021) |
043 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, December). The Interactive CloudClassRoom (CCR): Fundamental Advances in Online Learning, During and Post COVID. Virtual Keynote Speech: 37th Annual International Conference of Science Education in Taiwan (ASET 2021), Changhua, Taiwan. (December 9-11, 2021) |
044 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, December). An Online TPACK Model for Tackling the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemics. Virtual Invited Speech: International Conference on Teacher Education Renovation (ICTER), Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. (December 4, 2021) |
045 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, December). DECODE+CCR=TPACK. Virtual Keynote Speech: IV Virtual Seminar Cycle of IBERO-American Researchers, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia(UPTC), Colombia. (December 3, 2021) |
046 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, November). The development and implementation of online TPACK model for the future teachers. Virtual Invited Speech: ETEP-supported conference on “Curriculum development, competency-based training and continuous professional development for teachers and educational managers”, Vinh University, Vietnam. (November 27, 2021) |
047 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, November). STEM Education for New Asia. Virtual Keynote Speech: 2021 International Conference in Intercultural Competence and Global Education: New Perspective, Implementation, and Evaluation, Taipei, Taiwan. (November 20, 2021) |
048 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, October). From competency-based to literacy-oriented curriculum reform. Virtual Keynote Speech: The Third International Conference on Progressive Education (3rd ICOPE) 2021, Lampung, Indonesia. (October 9-10, 2021) |
049 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, September). 在線交互式科學學習與評量新趨勢. Virtual Invited Seminar: Wenzhou University, China. (September 25, 2021) |
050 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, September). Solving the Grand Challenges through Interdisciplinary Contextualization. Virtual Invited Speech: The 1st International Conference on Neuroscience and Learning Technology, Jember, Jawa Tmur, Indonesia. (September 18-19, 2021) |
051 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, August). Increasing the synergy through international research collaboration. Virtual Keynote Speech: Universitas Lampung International Conference on Science, Technology and Environment (2nd ULICoSTE) 2021, Lampung, Indonesia. (August 27-28 , 2021) |
052 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, July). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoT(S)): An Adaptive Ecosystem to Meet the Future Challenges of Teaching and Learning. Virtual Keynote Speech: International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Strategies, Pilani, India. (July 29-31, 2021) |
053 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, June). Deepening Student’s Online Learning through Interactive AI and Communication Tools. Virtual Keynote Speech: 2021 IEEE International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Communication (IEEE ICAIRC 2021), Fujian, China. (June 25-27, 2021) |
054 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, May). Developing Science Teacher’s TPACK through the DECODE model. Virtual Invited Seminar: Blended Learning for University Enhancement II Project Seminar, The Education University of Hong Kong, China. (May 25, 2021) |
055 | Chang, C. Y. (2021, April). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoT(S)): An Adaptive Ecosystem to Meet the Future Challenges of Teaching and Learning. Virtual Plenary Speech: 55th National Convention of BIOTA-Philippines, Manila, Philippines. (April 22-24, 2021) |
056 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, December). Revisiting Scientific Literary: Past, Present and the Possible Future. MOOCs Seminar: Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China. |
057 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, December). 雲课堂、社會性科學議題與桌遊. Virtual Invited Speech: AISL雲上沙龍, Wenzhou, China. (December 2, 2020) |
058 | Chang, C. Y. (2020,November). STEM Education for the Next Generation. Virtual Keynote Speech: II Virtual Seminar Cycle of IBERO-American Researchers, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia(UPTC), Colombia. (November 25, 2020) |
059 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, October). Covid-19 and the rise of International Research and Collaboration (IRC). Virtual Keynote Speech: International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2020, Central Java, Indonesia. (October 24, 2020) |
060 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, October). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoTS) to Meet the Challenges of Future Global Teaching and Learning. Keynote Speech: 2nd IEEE Eurasia Conference on IOT, Communication and Engineering 2020 (IEEE ECICE 2020), Yunlin, Taiwan. (October 23-25, 2020) |
061 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, October). An Adaptive Ecosystem of Teaching and Learning to Meet the Challenges of COVID-19. Virtual Invited Speech: The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. (October 9, 2020) |
062 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, October). An Adaptive Ecosystem of Teaching and Learning to Meet the Challenges of COVID-19. Virtual Invited Seminar: Center for Educational Technology, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur, India. (October 5, 2020) |
063 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, September). Internet of Teachers and Students (IoTS) for Tackling the Challenges of COVID-19 Pandemic. Virtual Invited Speech: The 2nd International Conference on Lesson Study of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), Jember, Jawa Tmur, Indonesia. ( September 19-20, 2020) |
064 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, August). Solving Grand Challenges through Interdisciplinary Research. Virtual Keynote Speech: 4th International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICOMSE), Malang, Indonesia. (August 25-26 , 2020) |
065 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, July). Literature RE-View and RE-Search (文獻回顧與研究:再顧再尋). Virtual Invited Speech: 北京師範大學周五夜學術沙龍, Beijing, China. ( July 24, 2020) [Virtual Symposium] |
066 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, July). The Next Generation of Learning: CloudClassRoom. Virtual Keynote Speech: International Conference on Mathematics and Science Education (ICMScE), Bandung, Indonesia. |
067 | Chang, C. Y. (2020, March). CloudClassRoom: The Next Generation. Invited Speech: University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. |
068 |
Chang, C. Y. (2019, December). The STEM2TV Project for the Future STEM Education in Asia. Invited Speech: 1st International Conference on Innovation in Learning Instruction and Teacher Education, Hanoi, Vietnam. (December 14-15 , 2019) |
069 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, December). Developing Science Teacher TPACK through the DECODE model. Keynote Speech: Teacher Education Forum: Preparing Thinker Teachers & 2019 SNU-HU-NTNU-KU Joint-Symposium on Science Education, Bangkok, Thailand. (December 11-13, 2019) |
070 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, December). Literacy-oriented curriculum guidelines for the next generation. Invited Speech: 2019 International Conference of Science Education in Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan. (December 6, 2019) |
071 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, November). Solving Grand Challenges in Science Education through Interdisciplinary Research. Keynote Speech: First International Conference on Science Education and Technology (ICOSETH) 2019, Jawa Tengah, Indonesia. (November 22-24, 2019) |
072 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, October). 從科學教育出發的跨領域研究. Invited Speech: 京師科學教育品質提升學術月系列短期課程, Beijing, China. (October 30- November 1, 2019) |
073 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, October). The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Future of e-Learning. Keynote Speech: 2019 BNU Science Education Forum, Beijing, China. (October 25-26, 2019) |
074 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, September). DECODE: DEmo-CO-DEsign/teach. Keynote Speech: ICTER 2019 Conference, Thai Nguyen, Vietnam. (September 27-29, 2019) |
075 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, September). CloudClassRoom: A Mobile Learning Project. Invited Lecture (Speakers’ series on Learning Sciences): Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, NJ, USA. ( September 19-22 , 2019) |
076 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, August). The Use of Interdisciplinary Contextualization to Solve the Grand Challenges. Plenary Speech: Science Education Institute, Manila, Philippines. (August 7-9, 2019) |
077 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, August). A Journey to Science Inquiry Teaching. Invited Lecture: Guangxi Normal University, Guilin, China. (August 5-6, 2019) |
078 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, May). 行動學習+自帶設備=雲教室. Keynote Speech: ICEET 2019數位學習與教育科技國際研討會, Tainan, Taiwan. (May 15, 2019) |
079 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, April). CloudClassroom (CCR) for the next generation. Invited Seminar: University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands. (April 7-10, 2019) |
080 | Chang, C. Y. (2019, January). 國際期刊發表技巧與實例分享. Invited Seminar: Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications (NUPT), Nanjing, China. (January 10-12, 2019) |
081 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, December). Mobile learning X CCR = U ∞ U. Invited Seminar: University of Nevada, Las Vegas, U.S.A. (December 6-13, 2018) |
082 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, November). The marriage of interdisciplinary research: The old, the new, the borrowed, and the blue. Keynote Speech: 2018 International Conference on Unmanned System Applications Agriculture, Ecosystem & Environment (2018 ICUSA-AEE), Haikou, Hainan, China. (November 16-20, 2018) |
083 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, November). Cloud Class Room. Invited Seminar: Zhejiang Normal University, Zhejiang, China. (November 1, 2018) |
084 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, October). STEM Education for The Next Generation. Keynote Speech: 浙江省初中科學課程改革30年高峰論壇暨科學教育國際研討會, Zhejiang, China. (October 30, 2018) |
085 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, September). The marriage of interdisciplinary research: The old, the new, the borrowed, and the blue. Invited Lecture: Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje. Skopje, R. Macedonia. (September 4-14, 2018) |
086 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, August). Online Science Inquiry Lab: Good, Bad, Ugly, and Future. Invited Speech: Symposium on 2017 Focus Reports and 2020 Administration of the Chinese National Science Assessment, Beijing, China. (August 24-28, 2018) |
087 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, August). The Next Generation of STEM Education for New Asia: Old, New, Borrowed and True. Keynote Speech: 1st International Annual Meeting on STEM education (I AM STEM) 2018, Khonkaen, Thailand. (August 12-16, 2018) |
088 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, July). The Next Generation of STEM Education for New Asia: Old, New, Borrowed and True. Plenary Speech: International Conference on Natural Science, Mathematics, and Education 2018 (ICONSME 2018), East-Java, Indonesia. (July 6-9, 2018) |
089 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, May). 雲端互動教室. Invited Seminar: East China Jiaotong University (ECJTU), Jiang Xi, China. (May 10-11, 2018) |
090 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, May). Education, Cognition, Neuron, and Gene: An interdisciplinary research. Invited Seminar: University of Science and Technology of China, An-hui, China. (May1- 3, 2018) |
091 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, February). CloudClassRoom X Mobile learning = Improved Outcomes. Plenary Presentation: 23rd International Scientific-Professional Information Technology Conference 2018 (IT 2018), Zabljak, Montenegro. (February 19-27, 2018) |
092 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, January). Science Edu-Communication: Bridging the gap between science education and science communication. Keynote Speech: 2018 Eurasian Conference on Educational Innovation (ECEI 2018), Macau, P.R. China. (January 26-28, 2018) |
093 | Chang, C. Y. (2018, January). Technology-enriched education: The good, the bad, the ugly and the future. Keynote Speech: The 1st International Conference on Sustainable Education Development (ICSED2018), Ubon Ratchathani, Thailand. (January 19-21, 2018) |
094 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, September). The Different Science News Project. Invited Seminar: Seoul National University, Korea. (September 28- October 05, 2017) |
095 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, July). Does Flipped Classroom X Math Concept Learning = Improved Learning Outcomes? A Case Study in Taiwan. Keynote Speech: 2017 NIMS and KSME International Workshop: The Future of Mathematics Education and Mathematics Education of Future, Daejeon, Korea. (July 25-29, 2017) |
096 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, June). Mobile learning X CCR = ? U ∞ U. Keynote Speech: Mobile Learning Research Project for Teacher Educators 2017, Guilin, China. (June 26-30, 2017) |
097 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, May). Cloud Classroom. Keynote Speech: Institute for the Promotion of Teaching Science and Technology (IPST), Bangkok, Thailand. (May 30, 2017) |
098 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, May). The High-Scope Programme (HSP) in Chinese Taipei. Invited Speech: International Congress on Education for the 21st Century (ICE2017), Bangkok, Thailand. (May 1-4, 2017) |
099 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, April). Science Edu-Communication: A New Adventure. Invited Seminar: College of Education at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. (April 26-28, 2017). |
100 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, January). 互聯網+學科教育測量評價. Invited Speech:未來教育專家講壇, Beijing, China. (January 11, 2017) |
101 | Chang, C. Y. (2017, January). The marriage of interdisciplinary research: The old, the new, the borrowed, and the blue. Invited Speech:現代教學技術教育部重點實驗室 2016年學術年會, Shaanxi, China. (January 7-8, 2017) |
102 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, November). ECNG (Education, Cognition, Neuron, and Gene) An interdisciplinary research framework. Invited Speech: HU-SNU-NTNU-KU 2016 Joint Symposium, Seoul, Korea. (December 6-10, 2016) |
103 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, November). e-Learning in Science Classroom: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Future. Invited Seminar: The Education University of Hong Kong, China. (November 11-15, 2016) |
104 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, September). CloudClassRoom: The Next Generation. Invited Seminar: University of Ljubljana, Slovenija. (September 27- October 6, 2016) |
105 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, August). e-Learning in Science Classroom: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Future. Keynote Speech: International Conference of East-Asian Association for Science Education (EASE2016), Tokyo, Japan. (August 26-28, 2016) |
106 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, May). The marriage of interdisciplinary research: The old, the new, the borrowed, and the blue. Keynote Speech: 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2016), Okinawa, Japan. (May 28-June 1, 2016) |
107 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, April). Assessing science learning: Global trend and local solution. Keynote Speech (大會報告): 2016 International Academic Seminar on National Assessment of Science Education, Beijing, China. (April 27-30, 2016) |
108 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, March). CCR live demo. Invited Seminar: Vietnam National University, University of Education (VNU UED), Hanoi, Vietnam. (March 11, 2016) |
109 | Chang, C. Y. (2016, March). CloudClassRoom: The Next Generation. Invited Seminar: Hanoi National University of Education, Hanoi, Vietnam. (March 10, 2016) |
110 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, December). Mobile Clickers: Humanizing Student Conceptual Understanding and Class Participation through the CloudClassRoom (CCR). Invited Seminar: University of Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France. (December 16, 2015) |
111 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, November). Developing pre-service science teacher's TPACK through a MAGDAIRE model. Featured Speech: Ewha Womans University Teacher Education 100th Anniversary International Conference, Seoul, Korea. (November 26-28, 2015) |
112 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, November). The Blended & Online Learning & Teaching Project: Collaborative professional development for capacity building in blended and online learning and teaching. Invited Seminar: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong, China. (November 15-22, 2015) |
113 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, June). CloudClassRoom. Invited Lecture: Naples University Federico II, Napoli, Italy. (June 12-19, 2015) |
114 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, June). A new look at Science Literacy: The Next Generation. Keynote Speech: International Society of Educational Research (ISER) Conference, Istanbul, Turkey. (June 07-12, 2015) |
115 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, May). The ECNG Interdisciplinary Research: Education, Cognition, Neuroscience, and Gene. Keynote Speech: 2015 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI 2015), Osaka, Japan. (May 22-26, 2015) |
116 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, April). A MAGDAIRE Model to Improve Pre-service Science Teacher’s TPACK. Invited Seminar: Usak University, Usak, Turkey. (April 27, 2015) |
117 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, February). The Next Generation of Learning: CloudClassRoom. Invited Seminar: Hokkaido University of Education, Hokkaido, Japan. (February 02-05, 2015) |
118 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, January). From smart classroom to CloudClassRoom: The next generation of science learning. Invited Seminar: Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea. (January 12, 2015) |
119 | Chang, C. Y. (2015, January). Tailoring learning environments to students' needs in the Asian science. Invited Opening Speech: International Conference on the Understanding of Science & Mathematics Classroom Cultures in East Asia, Seoul, Korea. (January 08-09, 2015) |
120 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, December). MAGDAIRE: An integrated model to transform teacher's professional development in Taiwan. Invited Seminar: Nara University of Education, Nara, Japan. (December 15-17, 2014) |
121 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, December). CloudClassRoom: The Next Generation. Opening Keynote: 2nd International Conference on Educational Technologies (ICEduTech) 2014, 5th International Conference on Internet Technologies & Society (ITS) 2014, 3rd International Conference on Sustainability, Technology and Education (STE) 2014, Taiwan. (December 10, 2014) |
122 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, October). Exploring the impacts of CloudClassRoom on student's argumentations in Taiwan. Invited Seminar : Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey. (October 28-November 09, 2014) |
123 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, October). CloudClassRoom: The Next Generation. Invited Speech: 2014 International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE), Guiyang, China. (October 18-22, 2014) |
124 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, October). Do we need FaT or SLiM to transform science learning and teaching in the 21st century? Invited Keynote Speech: 新科學素養國際論壇─A New Look at Science Literacy: The Next Generation, Taichung, Taiwan. (October 7-8, 2014) |
125 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, September). A cloud-based instant response system to boost student participation and engagement in the classroom. Research Seminar: The Center for STEM Education at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. (September 14-18, 2014) |
126 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, September). Improving students' science learning and argumentation through the Cloud Class Room system. Keynote Speech: First International Forum for math and science (IFMSE) education, Sur University College, Oman. (September 1-3, 2014) |
127 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, August). The Impacts of Innovative Technologies on Students' Learning of Basic Material Science Knowledge. Keynote Speech: The education symposium and the education forum at IUMRS-ICA 2014, Fukuoka University, Japan. (August 24-30, 2014) |
128 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, June). The good, the bad, the ugly, and SLiM CCR for the future? Invited Speech: Université Paris 8, Paris, France. (June 19-July 04, 2014) |
129 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, June). A Cross-platform Instant Response System to engage Science Classroom Participation. Invited Speech: The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. (June 8-14, 2014) |
130 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, February). A roadmap for the future of e-Learning research and school practice in Taiwan. Invited Speech, l'EPHE, Paris, France. (February 6, 2014) |
131 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, February). Education, Cognition, Neuroscience, and Gene. Invited Speech, l'EPHE(Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etude), Paris, France. (February 4, 2014) |
132 | Chang, C. Y. (2014, January). A cross-platform instant response system to engage classroom participation. Invited Seminar, Université Paris 8, Paris, France. (January 10, 2014) |
133 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, November). Incorporating computer technologies into the formal and informal learning environment in Taiwan. Research Seminar: Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany. (November 20-22, 2013) |
134 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, October). From Gene to Education-The ECNG Research Framework: Education, Cognition, Neuroscience, and Gene. Invited Seminar: The Center of Science, Mathematics and Engineering Education Research (SMEER), Karlstad University, Sweden. (October 27-November 2, 2013) |
135 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, September). A roadmap for the future e-Learning research and school practice in Taiwan. Invited Speech: First e-Workshop on the Computational and Educational Ecosystems of the CS-DC UNESCO UniTwin, University of Strasbourg, France. (September 9, 2013) |
136 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, May). Incorporating Smart Classroom Technology into University Teaching. Invited Lecture: International Symposium on SMART Learning Environment Design(SLED), Seoul, Korea. ( May 29-31, 2013) |
137 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, March). Developing Pre-service Science Teachers’ Ability in Integrating ICT and Teaching. Invited Seminar: The Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Texas at Austin, USA. (March 15-22, 2013). |
138 | Chang, C. Y. (2013, January). Developing Pre-service Science Teachers’ Ability: Integrating ICT and Teaching. Opening Keynote: epiSTEME-5 conference, Mumbai, India. ( January 7-11, 2013) |
139 | Chang, C. Y. (2012, December). MAGDAIRE: A Model to Foster Pre-service Teachers’ Ability in Integrating ICT and Teaching in Science. Invited Speech: The 14th Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Symposium, Sapporo, Japan. (December 18-19, 2012) |
140 | Chang, C. Y. (2012, December). Innovating School Science Content through the SLiM approach. Invited Speech: Asia Science Educator Academy 2012: Scientific and Technological Literacy (STL) - focus on Transformative Curricula and Content, Seoul, Korea. (December 5-7, 2012) |
141 | Chang, C. Y. (2012, December). Do we need FaT or SLiM to transform learning and teaching in the 21st century? Invited Keynote Speech: The 24rd Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education (AABE) Biology Teachers Organization of the Philippines, Philippines. (December 5-9, 2012) |
142 | Chang, C. Y. (2012, April). MAGDAIRE: A Model to Foster Pre-service Teachers’ Ability in Integrating ICT and Teaching in Science. Invited Speech: Shaanxi Normal University, Shaanxi, China.(April 26-27, 2012) |
143 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, November). High-Scope Curriculum Program in Taiwan: Beyond High-Scope inquiry-Tailoring learning environments to students' needs. Keynote Speech: NTNU-HU-SNU Joint Symposium on Science Education: Broadening Horizons Through Asian Dialogues, Taipei, Taiwan.(November 17-18, 2011) |
144 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, November). From FAT to SLiM? A Taiwanese perspective of future science and mathematics education. Invited Keynote Speech: Conference of Strengthening the capacity of Future Pillars of Science and Mathematics (S&M) Education, Pasay City, Philippines. (November 15-16, 2011) |
145 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, September). i4 future learning environment. Virtual Keynote Speech: West 6 Cluster School ICT Committee Educational Research Sharing Session, Singapore. (Virtual Online Presentation) (September 9, 2011) |
146 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, August). Discussing the current state and future prospect of Science Education in Taiwan: From my perspective as both a scholar and a father. Invited Keynote Speech: China Adolescents Science & Technology Innovation Contest - Science Education Forum, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia (August 4) |
147 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, April). Leveraging on Educational Pathways to Bridge Formal and Informal Science Learning: An OSR and NTNU-SEC Collaborative Initiative. Invited Speech: The 2011 International Conference on Informal Science Education (ICISE), Taipei, Taiwan. (April 29-30) |
148 | Chang, C. Y. (2011, March). Beyond High-Scope inquiry: Tailoring learning environments to students' needs. Invited Keynote Speech: High Scope Program Conference on Asia-Pacific Science Education, Taipei, Taiwan (March 28-29, 2011) |
149 | Chang, C. Y. (2010, November). Invited Speech: The 13th Hokkaido University – Seoul National University Joint Symposium, Sapporo, Japan (November 4-5, 2010) |
150 | Chang, C. Y. (2010, October). Invited Keynote Speech: The 23rd Biennial Conference of the Asian Association for Biology Education (AABE) National Institute of Education, Singapore (October 19-21, 2010) |
151 | Chang, C. Y. (2010, February). Invited Seminar: The Center for Science and Mathematics Education at The University of Texas at Austin, USA |
152 | Chang, C. Y. (2010, January). Invited Keynote Speech: The 6th International Conference on Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education (ICSMTE), Hualien, Taiwan (January 19-22, 2010) |
153 | Chang, C. Y. (2009, November). Invited speech and workshop: The global leadership workshop for the gifted in science at Korea Foundation for the Advancement of Science and Creativity (KOFAC), Seoul, Korea (November 19-20, 2009) |
154 | Chang, C. Y. (2009, October). Invited Speech: The 10th International conference on Education Research (ICER) held in Hoam Convention Center at Seoul National University, Korea (October 29-30, 2009) |
155 | Chang, C. Y. (2009, February). Conducting interdisciplinary research. Invited Keynote Speech: 2009 TELDAP International Conference, Taiwan (February 25, 2009) |
156 | Chang, C. Y. (2008, November). The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly (or the Beauty) in conducting interdisciplinary research: A personal journey. Invited Seminar: The Center for Science and Mathematics Education at The University of Texas at Austin, USA (November 5, 2008). |
157 | Chang, C. Y. (2008, April). The science education program and recent development on national e-Learning research in Taiwan. Invited Seminar: The Division of Research on Learning in Formal and Informal settings, National Science Foundation, Arlington, USA (April 2, 2008). |
158 | Chang, C. Y. (2008, January). The science and technology educational model of Taiwan. Invited Keynote Speech: The academic community of Universidad Metropolitana (UMET), Puerto Rico (January 23, 2008). |
159 | Chang, C. Y. (2007, September). The many faces of special education for the gifted in science: Taiwanese status quo. Invited Speech: The 3rd APEC Forum for the Gifted in Science, Changwon Exhibition Convention Centre (CECO), Gyeongnam, KOREA (September 10-12, 2007). |
160 | Chang, C. Y. (2006, June). Deep time research in Taiwan. Invited Speech: Deep Time International Workshop (DTIW) held at University of Exeter, United Kingdom (June 20-22, 2006). |
161 | Chang, C. Y. (2006, June). Curriculum guidelines, instructional materials and evaluation tools associated with natural hazards education in Taiwan. Invited Speech: The International Workshop on Education for Natural Disaster Preparedness and its Implementation Mechanism in the Context of ESD held at the National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Japan (June 12-16, 2006). |
162 | Chang, C. Y. (2004, November). Exploring secondary Earth science teachers’ perceptions toward goals of Earth science education and students’ Earth science literacy. Invited Speech: The International Conference on Science Education, College of Education, Chungbuk National University, Chongju, Korea (November 30, 2004). |
163 | Chang, C. Y. (2004, November). Seeking a shared vision: Exploring secondary Earth science teachers’ perceptions of goals of Earth science education. Invited Seminar Speech: College of Education, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (November 29, 2004). |
164 | Chang, C. Y. (2004, November). Trends in assessing student Earth science problem-solving ability: The importance of domain-specific knowledge and reasoning skills in Earth sciences. Invited Speech: The Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea (November 26-27, 2004). |
165 | Chang, C. Y. (2004, November). Taiwanese Earth science curriculum guidelines for the compulsory grades nine and ten. Invited Speech: The Seoul Conference for International Earth Science Olympiad (IESO), Seoul, Korea (November 26-27, 2004). |
166 | Chang, C. Y. (2004, March). A roadmap from Earth systems to an integrated science curriculum. Invited Keynote Speech: Special seminar “The practical research related with the educational system based on the international comparative study of earth systems education” held at the National Institute for Educational Policy Research of Japan, Japan (March 24-28, 2004). |
167 | Chang, C. Y. (2003, September). Taiwanese science curriculum reform and earth system education. Invited Keynote Speech: The 2003 Joint Fall Meeting of The Korean Earth Science Society and Geomorphological Association of Korea, Dajeon, Korea (September 26-27, 2003). |