Dr. Chun-Yen Chang is a science education scholar in Taiwan. Currently, he serves as National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU) Chair Professor, Principal Investigator of the Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences, and Professor of the Graduate Institute of Science Education and the Department of Earth Sciences (NTNU). From July 2022, he also serves as the Adjunct Professor of the Department of Biology, State University of Malang, Indonesia. Over the past few years, he has been a Visiting Professor at the Taipei Medical University, The Education University of Hong Kong, and the Paris 8 University. Dr. Chang’s major research interests include science education, e-Learning, interdisciplinary science learning, and science communication.
From 2007-2009, he served as the Discipline Coordinator from the Department of International Cooperation and Science Education at the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) in Taiwan and is also a longstanding reviewer of research projects. Dr. Chang has had the honor of directing almost 90 NSTC-funded projects since 1997. From 2011-2016, he led another major project, sponsored by the Taiwan Ministry of Education, to establish a “Center for Research Excellence in Science Education (CRESE)” under the “Aim for the Top University Project.” As a representative of NTNU’s Science Education Center, Dr. Chang joined the European Union’s Open Science Resources project, one of the two subprojects for non-EU areas, and reviewed research projects by Israel Science Foundation and South Korea’s National Research Foundation. In 2015 and 2016, Dr. Chang joined Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) network. Now He also serves as the Expert Panel Member of the EDUCAUSE Horizon Report, Adviser of the Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development (FIT-ED), Digital Learning for Development (DL4D) Project, and Advisory Board Member of Bett Asia.
Dr. Chang is currently the Editor-in-Chief of four journals: (1) Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education; (2) European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education; (3) Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies, (4) Applied System Innovation (Section Editor-in-Chief), as well as on the Editorial Board of three SSCI-level journals: (1) Studies in Science Education (science education); (2) Learning, Media & Technology (learning technology); (3) Journal of Science Education and Technology (science education & technology).
Dr. Chang has authored and co-authored more than 150 articles, from which more than 130 are indexed in the Science/Social Science Citation Index (SCI/SSCI) database. Countries such as the United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Sweden, Slovenia, Italy, Bulgaria, Montenegro, China, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Hong Kong, Inner Mongolia, Turkey, the Philippines, Thailand, Vietnam, Oman, and India, continue to invite Dr. Chang as a keynote/feature speaker. His series of research on science learning environments, published in Science Education in 2005 and 2006, was also reported in the “Taiwanese New Discovery” section of the Science Development Journal in 2007. In NSTC’s 50th anniversary celebrations, Dr. Chang’s research work on problem-solving ability and automatic scoring of science open-ended questions was honored as one of the NSTC’s 50 Great Achievements in 2008.
In 2003, 2009, and 2012, Chang was granted three times one of the highest honors given by NSTC: the “Outstanding Research Award.” In 2013, the Ministry of Education presented Dr. Chang with the Academic Award for Science Education. Also in 2013, the film entitled “The Journey of Science Achievements,” featuring the research outputs produced by an interdisciplinary research team comprised of Dr. Chang and other professors from NTNU was granted the 2013 Award for Excellent Contributions in Technology Transfer. Dr. Chang’s biography has been honorably included in the 2007-2010 Marquis, Who’s Who in the World, Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2008-2009, Who’s Who in America 2009, Special 30th Pearl Anniversary Edition of Who’s Who in the World 2013, Who’s Who in the World 2016, as well as Who’s Who in Science and Engineering 2016-2017.
In February 2013, Dr. Chang’s catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) study was privileged in a New York Times Sunday Magazine report and in the news featured on the Association of Psychological Science website. In 2019, the CouldClassRoom (CCR) mobile system he and his research team developed was selected as an exemplary institution in the 2019 EDUCAUSE Horizon Report.
1994-1996 | Ph. D. |
Science Education, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA) |
Dissertation | The effects of a problem-solving based instructional model on the achievement and alternative frameworks of 9th grade earth science students in Taiwan. | |
G.P.A. | 3.836/4.0 | |
1992-1994 | M. Ed. | Science Education, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA) |
Report | Research-based recommendations to infuse problem-solving strategies in the secondary school earth science curriculum in Taiwan. | |
G.P.A. | 3.914/4.0 | |
1985-1990 | B.S. | Earth Science, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
G.P.A. | 3.53/4.0 (upper division: 3.80/4.0) | |
1982-1985 | Tainan First Senior High School, Tainan, Taiwan | |
G.P.A. | 3.80/4.0 |
2023/01 to present | Principal Investigator, Institute for Research Excellence in Learning Sciences |
2013/08 to present | NTNU Chair Professor, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2008/08 to present | Professor, Graduate Institute of Science Education and the Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2022/07 to present |
Adjunct Professor, Department of Biology, State University of Malang (Universitas Negeri Malang), Indonesia |
2022/01 to present | Section Editor-in-Chief, Applied System Innovation |
2021/01 to present | Founding Editor-in-Chief, Educational Innovations and Emerging Technologies (EIET) |
2021/01 to present | Editor-in-Chief, European Journal of Mathematics and Science Education |
2017/01 to present | Editor-in-Chief, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (SSCI) |
2022/10 to present | Guest Editor, Journal of Textbook Research (Volume 16, Issue 3: Development and Evaluation of STEM Teaching Materials) (TSSCI) |
2021/05 to present | Guest Editor, Sustainability (Special Issue: Selected Papers from AISL 2021 Conference on Improving Scientific Literacy through Interdisciplinary Research on Technology-Enhanced Practice) |
2019/07 to present | Co-editor, International Journal of Educational Methodology (IJEM) |
2022/07 to present | Editorial Board Member, Educational Dimension |
2022/02 to present | Editorial Board Member, Educational Technology Quarterly |
2022/01 to present | Editorial Board Member, Journal of Textbook Research (TSSCI) |
2021/10 to present | Editorial Board Member, Journal of STEM Teacher Institutes |
2021/07 to present | Editorial Board Member, International Research Journal of Science, Technology, Education and Management (IRJSTEM) |
2021/06 to present | Editorial Board Member, Research in Integrated STEM Education |
2020/08 to present | Editorial Board Member, The Contemporary Mathematics and Science Education (CONMATHSCED) |
2020/07 to present | Editorial Board Member, Ukrainian Journal of Educational Studies and Information Technology |
2020/6 to present | Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Research in Education and Science (IJRES) |
2020/6 to present | Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Education in Mathematics, Science and Technology (IJEMST) (ESCI) |
2018/03 to present | Editorial Advisory Board Member, Open Education Studies (Scopus) |
2017/11 to present | International Advisory Board Member, International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design (IJOPCD) |
2017/08 to present | Science/Referee Board Member, Erciyes Journal of Education (EJE) |
2017/07 to present | Editorial Board Member, Applied System Innovation |
2017/01 to present | Editorial Board Member, Journal of Science Education and Technology (JOST) (SSCI) |
2013 to present | Editorial Advisory Board Member, Studies in Science Education (SSCI) (London: Taylor and Francis) |
2003/09 to present | Editorial Review Board member, Science Education Review |
2002/01 to present | Editorial Board member, Learning, Media & Technology (SSCI) |
2001/01 to present | Editorial Board Member, Learning, Media & Technology (SSCI) (London: Routledge/Taylor and Francis) |
2023 | Panelist, The International Panel on Perspectives for Science Education of ESERA 2023 |
2019 to present | Asia Advisory Board Member, Bett Asia. (http://asia.bettshow.com/Home) |
2015/01 to present | Council Board Member, Complex Systems Digital Campus (CS-DC) (a UNESCO UniTwin Network) |
2015/01 to present | Co-Chair, CS-DC Educational Ecosystem Committee |
2014/05 to present | Advisory Board Member, Korean National Curriculum Reform committee |
2008 to present | Official Nominator, The Japan Prize |
2011/11 to present | Reviewer, Review of Educational Research (RER) (SSCI) |
2010/12 to present | Reviewer, Medical Education (SCI) (London: Wiley-Blackwell) |
2010/06 to present | Reviewer, Public Understanding of Science (SSCI) |
2009/12 to present | Reviewer, British Journal of Educational Technology (SSCI) (London: Wiley-Blackwell) |
2009/06 to present | Reviewer, Computers & Education (SSCI) |
2007/01 to present | Reviewer, Science & Education (Netherlands: Springer) |
2006/01 to present | Reviewer, Journal of Science and Technology Education (SSCI) (Netherlands: Springer) |
2006/01 to present | Reviewer, CyberPsychology and Behavior (SSCI) (New Rochelle: Mary Ann Liebert) |
2006/01 to present | Reviewer, Journal of Educational Technology & Society (SSCI) |
2006/01 to present | Reviewer, Computers in Human Behavior (SSCI) (London: Elsevier) |
2006/01 to present | Reviewer, Learning and Individual Differences (SSCI) (London: Elsevier) |
2005/01 to present | Reviewer, Science Education (SSCI) (London: John Wiley) |
2002/01 to present | Reviewer, Journal of Computer-Assisted Learning (SSCI) |
2001/08 to present | Reviewer, Innovations in Education and Teaching International, (IETI, SSCI) (London: Routledge) |
2001/02 to present | Reviewer, International Journal of Science Education, (IJSE, SSCI) (London: Taylor and Francis) |
2000/09 to present | Reviewer, Proceedings of the National Science and Technology Council Part D, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan. |
2000/03 to present | Reviewer, Chinese Journal of Science Education (TSSCI) |
1999/06 to present | Reviewer, School Science and Mathematics journal, School Science and Mathematics Association (SS&M) |
2006/08- 2024/07 | Director, Science Education Center, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2008/08- 2013/07 | Research Chair Professor, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2005/08- 2006/07 | Professor and Chair, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan |
2001/08- 2008/07 | Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, National Taiwan Normal University *Taught earth science, informational technology, research on earth science education, and teaching practice in earth science. *Developed multimedia curriculum and instructional design and development in earth science. *Taught instructional media, information education, new trends in earth science education, and teaching practice. |
1997/08- 2001/07 | Associate Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. *Taught earth science, informational technology, research on earth science, and teaching practice in earth science. *Worked on multimedia curriculum and instructional design and development in earth science. *Provided counsel reservoir modeling strategies for Chinese Petroleum Company (CPC). |
1996/08- 1997/07 | Lecturer, Department of Earth Sciences, the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. *Taught instructional media, information education, new trends in earth science education, and teaching practice. |
1989/08- 1990/07 | Teaching Assistant, Department of Earth Sciences, the National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. *Taught junior level laboratory classes of paleontology, stratigraphy and historical geology *Organized field trips for the aforementioned classes *Served as a curriculum coordinator assistant for in-service teachers’ earth science program |
2014/06 | Visiting Professor, The Education University of Hong Kong |
2013/08- 2014/02 | Visiting Professor, Université Paris 8, France |
2012/08- 2015/07 | Visiting Professor, Taipei Medical University |
2005/01- 2005/07 | Senior Research Fellow, Center for Science and Mathematics Education Center, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA) *Assisted faculty and staff at the Center with the analyses and syntheses of data generated by various evaluation studies conducted by the Texas Regional Collaboratives for Excellence in Science and Mathematics Teaching |
2001/06- 2001/08 | Visiting Research Scholar, Center for Science and Mathematics Education and the Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA) |
1998/06- 1998/08 | Visiting Research Scholar, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA), a research institution specializing in reservoir characterization. *Member of the Maraven Phase3 project involving detailed reservoir characterization and simulation. *Conducted geologic framework mapping *Worked on reservoir modeling *Developed 3-D Geocellular reservoir models *Assisted with the pre-processed simulation grid using GRID program |
1997/06- 1997/08 | Visiting Research Scholar, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA), a research institution specializing in reservoir characterization. *Team member of two projects (OMV Matzen Field, Vienna Basin, Austria, 1997, South Lake Field, Lake Maracaibo, Venezuela, 1997) involving reservoir characterization. *Assisted with surface mapping and contouring *Worked on reservoir modeling *Developed 3-D Geocellular reservoir models |
1992/09- 1996/08 | Graduate Research Assistant, Bureau of Economic Geology, The University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX (USA), a research institution specializing in reservoir characterization. |
2022 | Program Committee Member, CTE 2022, the 10th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education |
2020 | Program Committee Member, CTE 2020, the 8th Workshop on Cloud Technologies in Education |
2020 | Program Committee Member, ICon-MaSTEd 2020: XII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education |
2017-2020 | 30th-33rd Board Director, The Association of Science Education in Taiwan |
2013 | 26th Board Director, The Association of Science Education in Taiwan |
2011/08 to 2017/01 | Project Investigator, High-Scope Program II (HSPII), National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2010-2012 | President, The Association of Science Education in Taiwan |
2009 | Secretary, International Junior Science Olympiad |
2007-2009 | Chair of the Project Review Board, Division of Science Education, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) |
2005 | 18th Vice President, The Association of Science Education in Taiwan |
2004-2008 | 17th-21st Board Director, The Association of Science Education in Taiwan |
2021/01-06 | Guest Editor, Journal History of Latin American Education |
2009/04- 2018/06 | Associate Editor, Journal of Geoscience Education (USA: NAGT) |
2015/01- 2017/04 | Associate Editor, Journal of Research in Science Teaching (JRST) (SSCI) |
2010/05- 2013/12 | Associate Editor, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI) (Netherlands: Springer) |
2005/01- 2016/12 | Editorial Board Member, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education (Turkey: Moment) (SSCI) |
2002/01- 2010/04 | Editorial Board Member, International Journal of Science and Mathematics Education (SSCI) (Netherlands: Springer) |
1999/12- 2002/12 | Editorial Board Member, Journal of Taiwan Normal University: Mathematics & Science Education, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan |
2018-2020 | Honorary Consultant, Geography and Education Research Association of Macau |
2022 | Ph.D. Curriculum Committee Member, Pedagogical and Technological University of Colombia, Colombia |
2022 | Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, British University in Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
2022 | Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, Khon Kaen University, Thailand |
2022 | Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, University of Twente, Netherlands |
2019 | External Reviewer for Tenure- Track Faculty, Auburn University, U.S.A. |
2018 | Promotion External Reviewer, University of Alberta, Canada |
2016-2021 | Expert Panel Member, EDUCAUSE Horizon Report |
2015/12- 2017/06 |
ITS Theme Advisor, Digital Learning for Development (DL4D) Project http://dl4d.org/ |
2015/12- 2017/04 |
Theme Adviser, The Foundation for Information Technology Education and Development (FIT-ED) |
2015 | Research Project Consultant, The Education University of Hong Kong |
2015 | Expert Panel Member, National Assessment of Education Quality, China |
2015 | Expert Panel Member, The New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report: 2015 K-12 Edition |
2014 | External Reviewer for Tenure- Track Faculty, Texas A&M University |
2014 | Reviewer, Estonian Research Council |
2012 | Review Committee Member for Researcher Promotion, University of Michigan |
2011 | Reviewer, National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) |
2010 | Ph.D. Dissertation Committee Member, Curtin University of Technology, Australia |
2008 | Reviewer, Israel Science Foundation (ISF) |
2008 | Referee of Professorship Promotion, The Education University of Hong Kong |
2007 | Referee of Professorship Promotion, The University of Alaska, Anchorage, USA |
2007 | Referee of Professorship Promotion, Carnegie Mellon University, USA |
2002-2004 | Final-Tier Reviewer of Projects, Division of Science Education, National Science and Technology Council (NSTC), Taiwan |
1. Science Education | |
with an emphasis on earth science education, learning and instruction in earth science, computer- assisted instruction, problem-solving models, inquiry teaching, as well as pedagogical understandings and conceptual change instruction in the area of earth science education | |
2. e-Learning | |
3. Interdisciplinary Learning Sciences | |
4. Science Communication |